Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Mornings

Life overseas can get pretty monotonous, day in and day out you stick to the same schedules. In the mornings you go to practice, come home around 1, eat lunch and take a nap before the night practice. The center and all the stores usually shut down from 1-4, so even if you did want to do something, there isn't too much to do. Then its time for the next practice where you leave at 5:30 and get home around 8:30. We only play one game a week and usually get the day after the game off. This week we play on Monday because the game is televised, which means no shoot around, just the game at 6. So this morning I woke up (and by morning I mean 12pm) and decided I'd go for a walk on the beach. It's kind of sad that I live at a beach resort so my backyard is the ocean and I haven't been to it since Septemeber! The beach is about twice the distance it takes me to get to my car, but during the week I get so caught up in my schedule that it never crosses my mind to go there. Well after a long week, I decided it would be good to go for a walk on the beach, clear my mind and take in all that I get to experience while I am over here.

Today was actually kind of nice outside. For a while it's been rainy and cold, but I could see the sun trying to poke through what was left of some storm clouds. I took that as a good sign on many levels. I took my flip flops off and headed towards the ocean. I had decided earlier that after all this practicing it would feel good to soak my legs in some cold water, like we used to do in college. I forgot how much I love the feel of sand under my toes and the cold water rushing over my feet and making me sink into the shore. I stood there for a while, then started making my way further into the water. IT WAS FREEZING!!! But it felt good, and I knew that after my legs would feel rejuvenated. I got in up to my knees although the crashing waves tried to go further, and stood there for about 10 minutes. What a life..... after all that is going on in the world and in our individual lives, there I was, standing in the Ligurian Sea, on the shore of Italy about to prepare for basketball game. This is my life. I'm so thankful that I have gotten to experience everything that I have and meet all the amazing people that I have met.

After I stood there until my legs went numb, I walked along the shore and picked up some sea shells. I honestly can't remember the last time I did that. The shore was covered with millions of shells that had been washed up from the numerous storms and tides and I really didn't have to walk far to find many that were perfectly shaped.

I think alot of times we take things for granted. I live right beside the beach and never really take in all its beauty. It gets lost in the daily shuffle and sometimes we dont see what were missing, it just takes a moment to go out and remember what its all about. Why we are here and where we've come from. Life is too short not to stop and smell the roses....or for today, stop and pick up the seashells!

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